Saturday 26 November 2016

Hello strangers...

Wow, I guess I took a REALLY long break from blogging eh? Sorry about that.

I think it's fair to say that I seriously lost my mojo in 2015. That crochet blanket? Still only about 20 stripes wide. That calendar challenge? Didn't get past March. The cross stitch DID get finished - whoop! I also managed to make a net canopy for my daughter's bedroom, so there were some positives!

Here's the finished cross stitch...

Apologies for the poor photo quality. My phone at the time had a fault with the camera.

Summer 2015 to Summer 2016 was a really difficult time for me. Family relationships and friendships were severely tested and not all survived. Whether that's a bad thing or not is still debatable but I've certainly come out the other side with a thicker skin and a more defensice attitude, which saddens me. I had always been very open and honest but I learned the hard way that wearing your heart on your sleeve leaves it open to attack. Now I'm much less likely to open up to friends about my real feelings.

Since Summer 2016 things have improved and I see improvement and potential in myself for the first time in many years. The crochet blanket has been dug out again although I'm short on hooking time as work is busy at the moment.

My hair has had an interesting time over the last year. I've gone from red/orange ombre to all red, to blue and purple, to orange and back to red again. I'm currently tempted by the sunset colour trend of last year. Something along these lines...
Or a more toned down version like Lily Allen had...

Beautiful huh?