Sunday 8 February 2015

Where did Jan go??

I look away for one moment and it's February! How did that happen?

Unfortunately I had a particular bad bout of depression and had to take 2 weeks out from pretty much everything. Even the things I enjoy were beyond me and I sat looking forlornly at my crochet blanket and beautiful cross stitch like a man with no teeth might look at a juicy steak.

The lovely Catherine over at the Inky Fingered Cat blog has been inspiring me recently (check out her gorgeous ATCs!) and I saw that she was taking part in the Art and Sole Calendar Challenge 2015. This challenge, started by the talented Darcy, is to take a 2015 calendar and alter a page each month using the rules provided by Darcy. I'm late to the challenge and so I missed the deadline for January but I can still show you here.

January's rules were... to keep a part of the original picture and use it as part of your design; to use a crackling technique; and to incorporate book text. I didn't have any crackle glaze so I had to think outside the box on that part. The page originally looked like this (yum!)...

I first applied a layer of Gesso and then started adding some ink in Cajun Craze and Bravo Burgundy shades. I added some skeletal trees using white pigment ink and applied it thickly enough that it created a sort of crackle effect when it dried...

I decorated Benedict's suit with a teacup stamp as a homage to his role as the tea drinking detective, Sherlock Holmes. I also added text from an old school textbook about spices and tried to blend this in with the background....

I then basically mucked the whole thing up by smudging one of the trees that hadn't dried. It made a complete mess of one corner and so I had to do some damage limitation by adding more book text and ink. Sadly I couldn't get this to blend in so it looks a bit 'just stuck there' *sigh* Still, I know not to go overboard with a slow drying ink ever again!

In the end, the final page looked like this...

I can't say I'm totally happy with it but I did enjoy the process of creating it.

1.. Keep a part of the original picture and incorporate that into your design
2, Technique - Crackling, any brand of crackle glaze, or the pva crackle method.... or any other way you can think of to add crackling. 
3. Add some book text 
- See more at:
1.. Keep a part of the original picture and incorporate that into your design
2, Technique - Crackling, any brand of crackle glaze, or the pva crackle method.... or any other way you can think of to add crackling. 
3. Add some book text 
- See more at:
1.. Keep a part of the original picture and incorporate that into your design
2, Technique - Crackling, any brand of crackle glaze, or the pva crackle method.... or any other way you can think of to add crackling. 
3. Add some book text 
- See more at:
1.. Keep a part of the original picture and incorporate that into your design
2, Technique - Crackling, any brand of crackle glaze, or the pva crackle method.... or any other way you can think of to add crackling. 
3. Add some book text 
- See more at:
1.. Keep a part of the original picture and incorporate that into your design
2, Technique - Crackling, any brand of crackle glaze, or the pva crackle method.... or any other way you can think of to add crackling. 
3. Add some book text 
- See more at:
1.. Keep a part of the original picture and incorporate that into your design
2, Technique - Crackling, any brand of crackle glaze, or the pva crackle method.... or any other way you can think of to add crackling. 
3. Add some book text 
- See more at:

Wednesday 7 January 2015

Happy New Year!

It's 2015 and there are sooo many craft projects I want to try this year. Is 365 days going to be enough??

In this post I'll talk you through a couple of ideas for the future and give you a quick update on some of the ones I've started. The knitting needle roll I mentioned in the last post turned out better than I expected and I'll be doing a separate post with a tutorial very soon. Just to show you the finished roll though, here's a couple of photos (excuse the garish ironing board cover I was working on) ...

I've also started on the crochet blanket I was planning. It's an Attic24 pattern called the Cosy Stripe blanket and was originally done as a CAL (crochet-a-long) on her blog. You can see it here. I received the wool pack for Christmas from my lovely husband and, after a few false starts, I got on with it. I struggled to get my tension right the first couple of times and I soon worked out that I stitch quite loosely. What was starting out as a foundation chain of 120cm was soon 135cm by row 3.  I sorted this by making my foundation chain shorter (110cm) and it's now settling down nicely at around 124cm, which I'm happy with. Here's a pic of the blanket so far, at a 'huge' 4 rows long.

The cross stitch project I've worked on most recently is QS Dream of Dahlia from Heaven and Earth Designs (HAED).  It is composed of only one colour, black, so is really easy for me to concentrate on, even when my head is foggy. I chose to stitch it onto 28ct Opal Brittney evenweave which I had custom dyed in fuchsia and orange by Jodyri Designs in the UK.

This is my progress so far...

I was reminded this morning that it's been a long time since I did any kind of art challenge (3 years in fact!). The lovely Catherine of Inky Fingered Cat blog suggested I finish off the Round the world art postcard challenge that I started, which is a possibility. However, when I looked at her blog again I noticed the new challenge she's taking part in over on the Art and Sole blogspot. It's an altered calendar challenge, changing up one page of a 2015 calendar each month. I've decided to take the plunge and try it with my Benedict Cumberbatch calendar, although I'm not sure I can bring myself to alter him too much! More news on that later this month.

The other projects I'd like to attempt are for my daughter's new bedroom (we're upgrading her to the bigger bedroom and relegating 'daddy's office' to her room). Those projects are a hula hoop tent like this one...

...and a plastic spoon mirror like this one:

Until next time,

Rozelle x